
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
2005Polychaete Identification Keys - Natural History Museum
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M. E. Archer2014The Vespoid Wasps of the British Isles
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R. S. Bailey, Hislop, J. R. G., Mason, J.1979The fish and shellfish resources in seas adjacent to the Outer Hebrides
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R. B. Benson1952Hymenoptera 2. Symphyta Section (b)
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S. Cham2012Field Guide to the Larvae and Exuviae of British Dragonflies: Damselflies (Zgypotera) and Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
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J. D. George2011The polychaetes of Lewis and Harris with notes on other marine invertebrates
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith