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Cetartiodactyla (Whales and Dolphins)
Subphylum: VertebrataClass: Mammalia (Mammals)
Of the 83 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) currently recognised in the world, 24 species have been recorded in the waters off the west coast of Scotland in recent years. The Hebrides are an important areas for marine mammals; a number of cetacean species (whales, dolphins and porpoises) are regularly reported. Currently many of the records of cetaceans are of strandings reported by the The UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme which coordinates the investigation of all cetaceans, marine turtles and basking sharks that strand around the UK coastline. The number of records of live sightings is increasing but more records would help us improve our knowledge of the use of Hebridean waters by marine mammals.
Additional Information
Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
The UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme